martes, 17 de febrero de 2015

Hello everyone!,

Here I am ,once more, writing about my experience in Germany. Though it might be too early to say I feel like this place suits me. One of the issues that most surprises me is the silence of the neighbourhood. This is very useful at the time I need to study or do any homework not like in the busy ciy where you sometimes get too much noise around , so I appreciate that. Besides, I`ve got plenty of free time which I use to refresh some new vocabulary or watch some TV while I`m at home. However, I´m most likely to watch TV.

Moreover, life at school has become even more interesting. Now I feel myself much more capable of understanding most lessons and that´s been quite an achievement. At this point, I feel more confident about the day-by-day in Germany.

In addition, I must say there is an issue that I have`nt mentioned on my last visits to this blogg. FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It`s truly amazing, there are certainly a number of things I´ve never eaten before and though I dont have any picture of any meal yet I leave one of Frank´s(my Gast-father) birthday down here.

And last but not least, remind  that there is still a long way to go and I cannot think about anything else but ejoying this incredible experience.


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